Sunday, May 26, 2013

Cosplay Tips and Tricks: Resources

I haven't done any cosplaying yet. The closest I thing I did to cosplaying was to "stalk" a certain cosplayer on her Deviant Art account. Ooh! I just remembered that I cosplayed as some sort of ninja way back in high school. Those were good times. :)

I've recently been planning to go to a convention this year. I don't know what convention but probably Cosplay Mania 13. I'm not going  there as a cosplayer though but a cameko. I want to take lots and lots of pictures and share it on this blog. If all goes well, this'll be my first convention.

Anyway, I was looking for tips on how to survive conventions. I've read stuff about conventions being hot as hell or the existence of "fan fun", the putrid smell of con-goers. Those kind of stuff just discouraged me to go. Hot and putrid are things that I can't just blatantly ignore. And my further readings took me to cosplaying tips that I though might be helpful for you, dear readers. I'm no expert in cosplaying so I'll just give you the links.

The Cosplay Guide: Tips by Goddessofthemoon

These tips are the general do's and don'ts when going to any convention. A really good checklist before heading off.

The Beginner's Guide by cosmicgeminicosplay

This is a long list of do's and don'ts. Similar to the tips by Goddessofthemoon but more detailed and friendly. There are also tips from veteran cosplayers at the end of the article. Learn from the experts!

A forum from

This one's a little funny. The focus of their conversation just suddenly shifted to a footwear debate! On my honest opinion, there should be a balance between the consistency of your footwear  to the character you are portraying and the comfort it provides. It is cosplay after all. If you have footwear woes, this is a must read.

Well there you have it, I've read it myself and I think it has good content.

What tips, tricks, and resources can you share?

Cosplay Unite!


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